Friday, November 1, 2013


Layers and Rings-layers and rings, such are things.
Nothing is ever as simple as it seems. Our lives intertwine with others, experiences stack on top of experiences. Somethings are wedged into place, while others seem like they are greased and as hard to hold on to as a pig covered in oil at a county fair. 
Onions grow in layers, and like the unpleasant chore of removing layer after layer of an onion to find the beginnings of something in our lives, we may cry, we may resist, we may hesitate, but we keep going at a pace that we feel comfortable with... because the truth, the beginning, the search hopefully brings us to why we do, why we react, why we are, what we are, and what brought us to this time and place in our lifes' journey. 
Some folks go to therapy because they don't know how to face things, or they can not go through it alone, or maybe it is an excuse not to change...oh I am going through therapy for that. 
We all have layers and rings, the rings are just going around and around, never getting off the same merry go round of life, or going around the same block, or doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. 
Human nature likes familiar, likes it is what is it, most of us don't like the unknowns, the what ifs, the change of plans. Yet, some things have to change, some things have to happen, you must move and live and breathe and make an impact. Faith says ... What does Faith say to you? You already know what fear says, but what does FAITH say...  layers and rings might just not be the stifling containing power of your life anymore. Layers might be peeled away, and rings, they just might be broken... hummm Faith, what does FAITH say to you? What Godly impact, does God have planned?
God says I AM with you always...

Rumor - Fact or Fiction

Rumor - Fact or Fiction

We have all have probably heard folks say, Instead of spreading a rumor I wish folks would just come to me and ask me personally if 'it' is true or not.

Well I did that the other day, It did not go well. I had heard that a water cooler friend was maybe pregnant, rather than checking with others if they had heard too, I  talked to the water cooler friend.
Hi, I have heard rumors you might be a mom, congratulations, If not, then if I hear again I will tell people it is not true.

Holy moley... run for cover! When did I get put into an empty room, with a bare lightbulb hanging from the ceiling, sitting in chair with thumbtacks facing up as a seat cushion.
Who said this! Where were you!
First, who said this.. I don't know.
Where did I hear it? Does the location really matter?
All I wanted to do is Congratulate you if it was true, water cooler friend... and if not then it is just a rumor.

You are of childbearing age, you are married, and have been awhile... you are not the only woman who is on baby bump watch that is just what women do.. 

"Well!, says water cooler friend, If you do not tell me, who you heard this rumor from, or where you were when you heard it, I am not going to tell you if I am pregnant or not.

You remember the first statement I made about folks say Come to me, if You want to know if the rumor is true or not.

Does it really matter that I may have heard the rumor in a public restroom stall, sitting next to the unknown source talking to her unknown friend, while at an obscure major big box store in the middle of Montana.
Really,  it does not  matter... it was not a mean, vile rumor...
it was a nice happy moment rumor.

So much for the lesson of "Come to me if you want to know the truth, and I will tell you, thanks for not spreading the rumor"