Thursday, September 12, 2013

Awake O Sleeping Giant Awake

Awake O Sleeping Giant
By Diana Wise
Awake O Sleeping Giants of the Dog World - there is a new bad law in town and it needs to be eradicated - The authors say it will not make a big impact on the whole of doggie world, then I ask, why write it, and turn it into a bill and then turn into a law? This law states if you own more than four breedable females you need to be licensed ... 4 breedable females could be... 4 female rats, or 4 female rabbits or 4 female dogs or cats or a collection of all.. so say you have 4 female Rabbits and 2 female breedable dogs that is a total of 6 breedable females in your home - you are now in violation of the law =unless you get licensed - and it does NOT matter if they are 6 months old or on their death bed - if they are intact and breedable they are breedable females -period - and it gets worse...much worse... For now the Dog World is up in arms, but all animal folks that have 4 or more breedable girls in the house are also included in this horrible law. 4-H, FFA, UKC, Transporters... this needs to be dealt with on a major scale... Rabbit folks, Rats people, guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, cats, all domestic - considered pet type animals are under the bill - Awake O Sleeping Giants of the Domesticated Household Pet World - This bill/law is bad juju and needs to dealt with - and not by -others- but by YOU and YOU with OTHERS -or as Peta says... One generation and then done - which means - They want this to be the last generation of pet owners and ownership and then their work will be done - and what is in this law and wording - is the finger flick aimed at the first domino... we must REMOVE the finger, and if not possible, we must remove the domino so the rest don't get caught up in the synergy. Is there an organization like PETA/HUSA for the masses who are FOR animals and owners and breeders - that can finacially combat these horrendous organizations and sponsor bills ...such as the one that is being offered now. I believe there are more animals lovers than Peta/HSUS folks, but we need to gather under one banner and follow one standard to perserve our lifestyle and comanionship of our pets - Yep I know we are behind in funding, marketing, PR, and media venues - but I also believe there are more of us than their are of them... Awake O Sleeping Giant Awake

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